Friday Fun: December 3, 2021
This week on Friday Fun we’re laughing weather you get the jokes or not.
Every Friday at 6pm, join me on my Facebook Lives for Friday Fun! Where puns, jokes, and funny stories are always possible. Didn’t catch the live this week? Here are some of our favourite riddles!
What do clouds wear under their raincoats? Thunderwear
I walked in on my spouse yelling that they hated low lying clouds - I haven’t the foggiest idea what I mist
Why did the little cloud idolize the big cloud? The big cloud was the raining champion
Did you hear about the cloud who became king? He rained for years
I just made a joke about clouds - But it went right over everyone’s head
How do you store water? Cloud storage
What does a cloud do when it gets an itch? It finds the nearest sky scraper
What did the raindrop say to the other raindrop? “Two’s company, three’s a cloud”
One cloud said to the other cloud, “Oh no! We don’t have enough water to make a rainstorm!” The other cloud assured him, “Don’t worry, we’ll make dew!”
What did the clouds do after seeing a light show? They gave a thunderous applause!
Why did the cloud do drugs and join a gang? Atmospheric pressure
Yesterday I tried to catch a cloud But when I swung my net, I mist
Why did the cow on the cloud not gamble? The steaks were too high
Why do clouds appear in different shapes and sizes? Because they are in de-skies
I have coached and mentored individuals and facilitated small groups for over 30 years. I am a strong proponent of walking the walk and talking the talk. When I know something works, I like to pass it on to others!
Don’t forget to join me next Monday, December 6th for my weekly Facebook Live where I will be bringing you a new challenge!
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About Heather O ‘Reilly
I have coached and mentored individuals, and facilitated small groups for over 30 years. I am a strong proponent of walking the walk and talking the talk. When I know something works, I like to pass it on to others!
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