Individual Programs
Are you falling behind where you would like to be? Are your days directing you or are you directing your days? Do you know and appreciate who you really are and what you are capable of? Do you need someone non-judgemental to keep you accountable?
If any of this resonates with you, individual coaching will be the right fit for you.
Encounter Session (30 minutes)
Single Session (45 minutes)
Six (6) Sessions (45 minutes each)
Twelve (12) Sessions (45 minutes each)
½ day VIP (3 hour intensive)
Program: Change a Habit; Change Your Life
Change A Habit; Change Your Life was conceived out of a recognition that so many people who speak to me are unsatisfied with who they have become. We are a product of what we have repeatedly done in the past. These habits are to our detriment or to our benefit. Habits are learned behaviors and so can be adjusted/enhanced or unlearned. Unlearned habits need to be replaced by more desirable ones. Contrary to popular belief, new behaviours take between 18 and 254 days, an average of 66 days, to become automatic. And so the 12 week program, Change A Habit; Change Your Life was born.
Together we determine who you would like to be and what would be the most advantageous/beneficial/powerful habit to change.
You will learn tactics and strategies to implement and practice to ensure permanence.
All the while, I provide accountability and support.
Investment in you has significant ripple effects beyond yourself, into your circle of influence, in such positive and meaningful ways!
1:1 Coaching
Identify what you want in life
Become aware of obstacles and thoughts that keep you from moving forward
Move beyond self-doubt into a comfortable place of self-confidence
Develop a positive attitude
Realize your potential and strive for it
Inspire others as a natural extension of being who you are.