True Authenticity Interview Series 2022 Wrap-Up
Oh my!! What a whirlwind month this has been!!
My reason for doing this interview series was to learn a bit about the elements that are involved in becoming your authentic self. I was, and still am convinced, because I’ve seen this so often, that way too many people are living vicariously through other people! They’re not living a full and purposeful life of their own, and they’re unhappy and angry and short tempered! They’re actually “borrowing” or have “acquired” values, beliefs, and habits from other people. When confronted with new or novel circumstances, they don’t know what to do! They react instead of respond, and we all know that isn’t always the best for healthy relationships …
“People who have borrowed or acquired other people’s values, beliefs and habits don’t have a basis or foundation with which to live their lives with confidence.”
- Heather O’Reilly
I believe, with all of my heart, that people want to be kind and they want to be treated with kindness. I also believe that people want to be authentic without being judged and with no apologies.
We tend to lean on our own understanding of life and thereby tend to judge ourselves and others according to what we “know” to be true, whether true or not. How else can we understand our world if not through experience and those things we have been taught?
What if we, “in all our glorious technicolour” (John Purkiss), “at the conclusion of every interaction or encounter, could leave others better than when they were, at their worst” (Mike Siegfried)?
What if, “through critical thinking, using emotions and truth (Jonathan Haber), we could align our values, beliefs, habits, behaviours & responses (parentheses mine)?” We could create a foundation with which to live our lives with authenticity, confidence, and with kindness!
What if we had, at our disposal, specific communication techniques (Mike Siefried & John Whitfield) and what I call pocket responses that we have rehearsed? We could diffuse negativity, and “bring people into a place of being positively grounded where a mutually favourable exchange could occur” (Glenda Mattinson)!
What if we were able to discern the true meaning behind what is said or what is behaviourally presented to us? We would realise that what we are actually asking ourselves and others to accept is far more than what the actual words or behaviours would suggest (John Whitfield).
What if we could not only have options available to us in any encounter but also be able to know what the right thing, the ethical thing would be to do? (Mary C. Gentile)
We will make mistakes. Others will make mistakes. Everyone who spends time with us, will let us down, including ourselves. Yes, we will let ourselves down. Forgiveness of ourselves and of others “frees us” (Wilma Derksen). Frees us to be able to learn from our past, to be able to move forward and to accept others.
We are complex. We can’t have two opposing emotions, such as anger and pleasure, present at the same time. At any given moment in time only a portion of our authentic selves can be present. And that is okay! It’s still our authentic selves.
We can be authentic in any and all circumstances but we need to be fully present. If our thoughts are elsewhere we can’t truly access the necessary techniques, the necessary thoughts, the necessary behaviours that are needed at the time.
We must develop a foundation of our own with which all of our behaviours, thoughts, responses, and communication are based on to truly embrace our authenticity. That foundation will change as we learn more, as we mature, as our values and beliefs evolve.
Authenticity is a journey, not a destination! Be authentic, without apology, but with kindness!
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I have coached and mentored individuals, and facilitated small groups for over 30 years. I am a strong proponent of walking the walk and talking the talk. When I know something works, I like to pass it on to others!
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About Heather O ‘Reilly
I have coached and mentored individuals, and facilitated small groups for over 30 years. I am a strong proponent of walking the walk and talking the talk. When I know something works, I like to pass it on to others!
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