Friday Fun: December 10, 2021
This week on Friday Fun we’re having a llama good laughs!
Every Friday at 6pm, join me on my Facebook Lives for Friday Fun! Where puns, jokes, and funny stories are always possible. Didn’t catch the live this week? Here are some of our favourite jokes!
What do you get when you cross a llama and a turtle? A turtle neck sweater
What do llamas call the end of time? Llamaggedon
What’s a llama’s favourite song? Llama, llama, llama chameleon
What happens when you stand between two llamas? You get llamanated
What is a llama’s favourite drink? Llamanade
What do you call a secret group of llamas? The i-llama-nati
What do you call a very fast llama? A llamagini
What’s more amazing than a talking llama? A spelling bee
What did the llama get when he graduated from school? A dipllama
What do you call a llama with a carrot in each ear? Anything you like. He can’t hear you!
When does a llama say, “moo?” When it’s learning a new language
Why did the llama cross the road? It was the chicken’s day off
What did the llama see when he looked in the mirror? His spitting image
Why don’t Lucy Llama and Lacey Llama get along? Typical llama drama
How do llamas respond to, “thank you?” “No probllama!”
I have coached and mentored individuals and facilitated small groups for over 30 years. I am a strong proponent of walking the walk and talking the talk. When I know something works, I like to pass it on to others!
Don’t forget to join me next Monday, December 13th for my weekly Facebook Live where I will be bringing you a new challenge!
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About Heather O ‘Reilly
I have coached and mentored individuals, and facilitated small groups for over 30 years. I am a strong proponent of walking the walk and talking the talk. When I know something works, I like to pass it on to others!
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