Friday Fun: November 19, 2021

This week’s jokes for Friday Fun are really branch-ing out!

Every Friday at 6pm, join me on my Facebook Lives for Friday Fun! Where puns, jokes, and funny stories are always possible. Didn’t catch the live this week? Here are some of our favourite one-liners!

Why do trees hate riddles? Because it’s too easy to get stumped

What is a tree’s favourite drink? Root beer

What did the tree do when the bank closed? It opened its own branch

Why do Christmas trees have trouble sewing? They’re always dropping their needles

Why did the tree get stumped? Because it couldn’t get to the root of the problem!

What happens to trees on Valentine's day? They get sappy

What Canadian city is a tree’s favourite? Mon-tree-al

How does a tree get on the internet? It logs on

Why are trees the best networkers? They keep branching out

What type of trees give high 5’s? Palm trees

How can you identify a dogwood tree? By its bark

Why don’t you ever see hippos hiding in trees? Because they’re really good at it

I have coached and mentored individuals and facilitated small groups for over 30 years. I am a strong proponent of walking the walk and talking the talk. When I know something works, I like to pass it on to others!

on’t forget to join me next Monday, November 22nd for my weekly Facebook Live where I will be bringing you a new challenge!

Learn more by visiting our website at

About Heather O ‘Reilly

I have coached and mentored individuals, and facilitated small groups for over 30 years. I am a strong proponent of walking the walk and talking the talk. When I know something works, I like to pass it on to others!

Join me and start your journey to spark meaningful change in your life. Discover new strategies and develop good habits by registering for our upcoming workshops at


Friday Fun: November 26, 2021


Friday Fun: November 12, 2021