Change is inevitable; constant yet not consistent; predictable, yet more often, not.
I have heard it said that change happens over time. I would argue that change happens ALL the time. Time moves on and moment by moment we’re just that much older or if physically moving, we’re in a different place. I have a granddaughter whom I have watched growing/changing. At her age, change is so significant and quick. As we age, the process seems to slow for a while but then seems to pick up speed again later on.
We find comfort in predictable changes - the seasons, the movement of the sun in relation to the time of day, the growing and harvest seasons for food, how certain things will progress.
We find comfort in predictable changes - the seasons, the movement of the sun in relation to the time of day, the growing and harvest seasons for food, how certain things will progress.
Seemingly random ones, not always - a flat tire, drought, a surprise birthday party, finding a treasure.
One thing I do know is that most people go about their lives letting change happen TO them. Maybe we wake up one morning and wonder where has the time gone?! What have I accomplished in my lifetime? Why didn’t I do this or that? How did I end up like this?
Unpredictable changes we have little say over. Even carefully crafted plans to minimize or have more control over more significant change can go awry; however, these kinds of changes are more likely to be successful and may even turn out better than expected.
Who I am now is a product of my past. And that means that what I do now will make me who I am in the future.
Even carefully crafted plans to minimize or have more control over more significant change can go awry;
While I don’t have control over everything, I can choose to have control over most of the significant changes in my life, especially the long term goal-oriented changes. A few methodical, simple and easy hacks used consistently over time work their magic and the not too distant future is changed, the way I want it to change.
I know who I want to be in the future. I know how I want to get there and the steps I need to take and I find it more satisfying to have more influence in my life.
Perhaps you’d like to join me in taking a more significant role in your future rather than leaving your destiny in the hands of fate. If that idea appeals to you too, book a free 45 minute discovery call here:
Let’s get you started on the journey to being who you want to be.
I have coached and mentored individuals, and facilitated small groups for over 30 years. I am a strong proponent of walking the walk and talking the talk. When I know something works, I like to pass it on to others!
Go to for more information and to register for my upcoming workshops or seminars!
About Heather O ‘Reilly
I have coached and mentored individuals, and facilitated small groups for over 30 years. I am a strong proponent of walking the walk and talking the talk. When I know something works, I like to pass it on to others!
Join me and start your journey to spark meaningful change in your life. Discover new strategies and develop good habits by registering for our upcoming workshops at