“One Thing” to Read This Summer

I read a book.

The book is, “The ONE Thing” by Gary Keller.

Yes, I read it to myself, but I am also in the process of reading it chapter by chapter each week for the month of July, and foreseeably for the month of August in my regular Wednesday, 12 noon, Facebook LIVEs. 

You can see them here:


I read a lot, often having four or five books on the go at any one time. From time to time a book I’m reading really stands out. This is what The ONE Things does, it stands out.

From time to time a book I’m reading really stands out. This is what The ONE Things does, it stands out.

To-do lists was my daily slog. I did as much as I could then moved the rest of the list onto the next day's list, which got longer and longer and less and less got done. Discipline lasted about as long as my arm, and willpower didn’t exist past my nose. The holy grail was a balanced life, whatever that is! Small achievable goals were the next best thing to sliced bread, after all lofty goals were, well, lofty! 

Gary Keller manages to take the research of multi-disciplines and distil it into something very palatable, practical, and easy to understand. He addresses 6 myths that hold us back from our desired success; everything matters equally, multitasking, disciplined life, willpower is always on will-call, balanced life, and big is bad. He then discusses the keys to success and finally how to implement the ONE thing into your life. 

He addresses 6 myths that hold us back from our desired success; everything matters equally, multitasking, disciplined life, willpower is always on will-call, balanced life, and big is bad

Much of what Gary Keller talks about, I unfortunately had to discover the hard way. I wish I’d had this book a long time ago! Gary has taken what I’ve learned to be true and pushed it even further. So have I and I’m impressed with the results. 

Taking what I’ve learned the hard way, and incorporating the distillation from Gary Keller and others’ work that I know to be effective, I have created a program that can help to accelerate your journey to success.

Book a discovery call, at no charge to you, here:


I have coached and mentored individuals, and facilitated small groups for over 30 years. I am a strong proponent of walking the walk and talking the talk. When I know something works, I like to pass it on to others!

Go to heatherlynnecoaching.com/workshops for more information and to register for my upcoming workshops or seminars!

About Heather O ‘Reilly

I have coached and mentored individuals, and facilitated small groups for over 30 years. I am a strong proponent of walking the walk and talking the talk. When I know something works, I like to pass it on to others!

Join me and start your journey to spark meaningful change in your life. Discover new strategies and develop good habits by registering for our upcoming workshops at heatherlynnecoaching.com/workshops




Boldly Courageous: Not Caving to Fear Interview Series