Summer Daze: Generating Energy in Your Doldrums
What do geography and mid-summer have in common?
In mid-summer the brightest star that is actually visible from any part of the Earth, called Sirius, is part of the constellation Canis Major (The Greater Dog). Sirius shares the sky with the sun during early July to early August leaving us with oppressive heat, drought, lack of breeze and sudden short thunderstorms. This season literally takes the wind out of our sails.
Geographically a place that is like this all year is the ITCZ (Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone), which is characterized by equatorial heat, lack of wind, and sudden severe storms. Commonly known as the doldrums, sailing ships would make absolutely no progress in these areas when the winds die.
I don’t know about you, but I’m more tired, disinterested and crankier this time of year than at any other! There’s no air movement, and it’s stiflingly hot inside and out! Who wants to work or do anything in this? Just like the ITCZ, we as people often feel the effects of these mid-summer doldrums.
So, how do we combat our own summer-time doldrums? Those times of low energy, of disinterest, when the wind is taken from our sails? Thanks to Darren Hardy I believe I have found ten ways (actually eleven) to harness this time and not let it get away!
Here are the eleven strategies:
🌴 Vacation
When was the last time you had several consecutive days away from work?
💡 Flip the Switch
Do you have two ON and two OFF switches?
🔌 Unplug
How often do you check your emails, Facebook notifications, etc when you are meant to be ‘unplugged’ or relaxing?
📅 Reschedule
Time to make a change?
👔 Workplace Environment
Do you find that your work self and home-self are suffering from identity crises? How often does work come home when it shouldn’t?
⏳ Time Assassins
What time assassins are taking and eating away at your time?
🌈 Design
Do you rule your day or does your day rule you?
⚡ 5/8 vs 4/10
Would you rather work 5 days for 8 hours each or 4 days for 10 hours each?
🦾 Galvanize
How would you like to get two or three days of work done in 4 -5 hours?
🎧 Familiarity
Have you ever noticed that you can try to help someone you know to learn something, only to find they really weren’t listening to you?
🎲 Fun
Wouldn’t work (chores, business, etc) be easier with some fun?
Upon implementing these strategies, I have found immense satisfaction in not falling behind in my goals.
I have more time and enjoy more of that time I have with my significant relationships.
I’m far more productive in the times when I’m working.
I don’t need to extend my lunch break because of the flexible hours and…
I finish my work sooner leaving more time for summer fun.
I have coached and mentored individuals, and facilitated small groups for over 30 years. I am a strong proponent of walking the walk and talking the talk. When I know something works, I like to pass it on to others!
Join me as I facilitate a workshop on these 11 strategies during the week of August 23 - 28 via ZOOM. Discover more about, and how I implemented them by visiting our website at for dates and times and to register for the workshop.