Navigating Beyond Your Comfort Zone
We have many friends and acquaintances.
Some are exceptionally good for us, some good, some not so good, and still others, well, let’s just say they’re not in our best interests to pursue or have in our lives.
Some of these “friends”, while not the best for us, are still comfortable. Comfortable in the sense that we know what to expect of them, that they’re not the most reliable, but we’re used to them.
How Invested are You in Your Relationships?
February is, arguably, relationship month! Due in no small part to Valentine's Day.
I was reminded several times in the span of one day recently of the importance of consistency. It was prevalent in so many areas that day that I really had to take notice. One particular topic was about relationships; something I never really thought about within the context of consistency. Consistency, yes, in habit change, in health, in finances, in one’s employment, and in one’s spirituality, but never had I considered consistency in relationships. And then I saw a short segment by an individual, unfortunately I cannot recall who it was or where it was that I heard it, who spoke about (in a nutshell) how easily we give up on relationships without really pursuing what we’re trying to achieve