Boldly Courageous: Not Caving to Fear - 2022 Interview Series
What shows absolutely no partiality? Not to race, gender, financial status, level of success, occupation, age, or size …
If you said FEAR you're right on the mark!
Globally, we’ve been living the last few years with this paradox of staying isolated & vigilant and yet craving the interactions we were designed for.
Where does fear originate from? Why do we have fear?
What does fear REALLY look like? What’s the difference between fear, anxiety, panic?
What do we do with fear?
The 18 experts in this series, from all over the world, are in agreement that we need to look at the state of our collective fears and try to bring them down a notch.
When we begin with a highly stressed state, any added discomfort, significant or minor, will escalate to a higher state than it really needs to be.
This results in increased intolerance, anger, mental illness, divorce, family abuse, and human trafficking, among others and even signs in local stores telling us that, ”Abusive towards employees will not be tolerated.” Until now, I have never in my lifetime seen a sign in a shop window that says that!
This series is designed to help us recognize and work with rather than trying to ignore, resist, or fight with our fear.
Personal experience as well as working with others who are experiencing a heightened base level of fear gives credibility to these experts as they attempt to provide the methodology, skills, and tactics for you or someone you know get unstuck and moving forward with grace and confidence.
What shows absolutely no partiality? Not to race, gender, financial status, level of success, occupation, age, or size …
If you said FEAR you're right on the mark!
Globally, we’ve been living the last few years with this paradox of staying isolated & vigilant and yet craving the interactions we were designed for.
Where does fear originate from? Why do we have fear?
What does fear REALLY look like? What’s the difference between fear, anxiety, panic?
What do we do with fear?
The 18 experts in this series, from all over the world, are in agreement that we need to look at the state of our collective fears and try to bring them down a notch.
When we begin with a highly stressed state, any added discomfort, significant or minor, will escalate to a higher state than it really needs to be.
This results in increased intolerance, anger, mental illness, divorce, family abuse, and human trafficking, among others and even signs in local stores telling us that, ”Abusive towards employees will not be tolerated.” Until now, I have never in my lifetime seen a sign in a shop window that says that!
This series is designed to help us recognize and work with rather than trying to ignore, resist, or fight with our fear.
Personal experience as well as working with others who are experiencing a heightened base level of fear gives credibility to these experts as they attempt to provide the methodology, skills, and tactics for you or someone you know get unstuck and moving forward with grace and confidence.
What shows absolutely no partiality? Not to race, gender, financial status, level of success, occupation, age, or size …
If you said FEAR you're right on the mark!
Globally, we’ve been living the last few years with this paradox of staying isolated & vigilant and yet craving the interactions we were designed for.
Where does fear originate from? Why do we have fear?
What does fear REALLY look like? What’s the difference between fear, anxiety, panic?
What do we do with fear?
The 18 experts in this series, from all over the world, are in agreement that we need to look at the state of our collective fears and try to bring them down a notch.
When we begin with a highly stressed state, any added discomfort, significant or minor, will escalate to a higher state than it really needs to be.
This results in increased intolerance, anger, mental illness, divorce, family abuse, and human trafficking, among others and even signs in local stores telling us that, ”Abusive towards employees will not be tolerated.” Until now, I have never in my lifetime seen a sign in a shop window that says that!
This series is designed to help us recognize and work with rather than trying to ignore, resist, or fight with our fear.
Personal experience as well as working with others who are experiencing a heightened base level of fear gives credibility to these experts as they attempt to provide the methodology, skills, and tactics for you or someone you know get unstuck and moving forward with grace and confidence.